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Exclusive! Casper 'zine crosses the line of good taste

So there's this magazine I used to be associated with called the Chimichanga (previously, the 630 Chimichanga). It was the journal of hodgepodge culture. Since the Exclusive seems to have taken most of its cues from the Chimi, I figured that it was only fair that the Chimichanga's name appear first in the review.

I like the Exclusive because they have the balls to print jokes and misadventures most magazines that look as slick as them avoid like the plague. I think it's funny that they publish some of this stuff under the guise of a respectable magazine.

I mean, just look at the cover. It looks like a real-life, official publication, not some nearly racist, almost childish, copycat rag. These guys are crazy! I've got to commend them for doing something in Casper and not just complaining that there's nothing to do here, but the content is marginal.

Some funny highlights from the Valentine's Day issue: the "Hell in a Bottle" cartoon, condom reviews and the "Valentine's Day Makeover" for Chad Hamby, who says that the story is not really how it happened, but close enough.

Some very unfunny highlights from the Valentine's day issue: "Dr. Jade Love" - just the name is unoriginal, and the horoscopes are trite, hackneyed, redundant, overused..., "Valentine's Day Gift Ideas," - I couldn't even finish reading this because it reminded me too much of my high school newspaper. Of course, there are more funny and more unfunny things in the mag, but I think I'm tired of writing about the Exclusive!

Final Verdict: Looks great, okay content, poor taste on occasion. Keep it up guys, it's not that bad.

You can get your copy of The Exclusive! at Sonic Rainbow, Level 12, and maybe some other places around town.

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