Cypress Hill
Skull and Bones
Columbia Records
Cypress Hill has done it again.
And I wish they'd stop.
Cranking out album after album seems to be what these guys are all about. Their last try (released in December) was a stack of remixes. This newest one sounds so much like the rest of their music, it might as well have been touted as the same thing.
Cypress Hill's sound has turned into a formula.
I got pretty excited when i saw that Eminem was on one of the tracks, but it took me two listens to pick him out of the mix. And when I did, what a disappointment. Eminem's contribution to the record is spoken word complaints about the record business.
To put it mildly, this record sucks. Unless you're a hard-core Cypress Hill fan who absolutely HAS to have everything they churn out, don't bother with this one.
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