Lucinda Williams
Car Wheels on a Gravel Road
How do you describe a CD this good? Lucinda has released just four albums of original material in eighteen years. She is such a perfectionist that she recorded this album over again from scratch twice. It took nearly six years to finally get this masterpiece to the public. Up to now, Lucinda has mainly been revered by fellow songwriters. (There are good songwriters, then there are scary good songwriters. Lucinda is scary good.) Each song on this CD is a lovingly told snapshot of Americana as can only be told by someone who has been there. Songs of love, loss, introspection and joy as told through Williams' unique blend of musical styles. The palette is full here: folk, twang, country blues, ballads, you name it. But you will never forget it. This is sittin' on the porch at dusk music, by a national treasure on a CD everyone in America should own.
-Tommy S.
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