1 stick plus 1 tbs butter
2/3 cup 99% fat free skim evaporated milk
1/2 cup sugar
2 tsp salt
2 packages dry yeast
1/3 cup warm water
4 eggs
1 tbs grated lemon rind
2 tbs grated orange rind
6 cups flour
1/2 cup dark brown sugar, packed
3/4 cup granulated sugar
1 tbs cinnamon
1 stick butter, melted
1 egg, beaten
1 cup sugar, colored (1/3 cup each of yellow, purple, and green)
2 Maximums |

In a saucepan, melt 1 stick butter, milk, 1/3 cup sugar, and
salt. Cool to lukewarm. In a large mixing bowl, combine 2 tablespoons
of sugar, yeast, and water. Let stand until foaming, about 5
to 10 minutes. Beat eggs into yeast; then milk mixture and rinds.
Stir in flour, 1/2 cup at a time, reserving 1 cup to flour kneading
surface. Knead dough until smooth, about 5 to 10 minutes. Place
in large mixing bowl greased with 1 tbs butter; turning dough
once to grease top, cover and let rise in a warm place until
doubled, about 1 1/2 to 2 hours.
For filling, mix sugars and cinnamon. Set aside.
For topping, tint sugar by mixing food coloring until desired
color is reached. For purple, use equal amounts of blue and red.
A food processor aids in mixing and keeps the sugar from being
too moist.
When dough has doubled, punch down and divide in half. On a floured
surface, roll half into a rectangle 30" X 15". Brush
with half of melted butter and cut into 3 lengthwise strips.
Sprinkle half of sugar mixture on strips, leaving a 1-inch strip
free for sealing. Fold each strip lengthwise toward the center,
sealing the seam. You will now have three 30" strips with
sugar mixture enclosed in each. Braid the 3 strips and make a
circle by joining ends. Repeat with other half of dough. Place
each cake on a 10" X 15" baking sheet, cover with a
damp cloth, and let rise until doubled, about 1 hour. Brush each
with egg and sprinkle top with colored sugars, alternating colors.
Preheat oven to 350. Bake for 20 minutes. Remove from pan immediately
so sugar will not harden. While still warm, place 1 Maximum in
each from underneath. Makes two 9" X 12" cakes. Preparation
time: 5-1/2 hours.
In New Orleans, this cake is served during Carnival season
from the Feast of Epiphany (January 6) until Mardi Gras (the
day before Ash Wednesday). The person receiving the Max is considered
lucky; by custom, that person must also supply the next King
Cake and King Cake party. The person who gets the Max in that
cake must then throw the next party one week later, and serve
King Cake, and so on until Mardi Gras (or longer, if desired).