Lonely Grill
BNA Records
When this CD was released a few weeks ago, we couldn't keep it in the store. I haven't listened to much country music lately, so I had no idea what all the fuss was about. One night, while flipping through channels . . . no, I'm lying. Loath as I am to admit it, I was watching GAC, one of the country music channels. Worse, I was kind of enjoying it. The video to "Amazed" played, showing me what all the fuss was about. I decided to give the CD a listen.
The first track, "Saturday Night," is a fairly rockin' song, with organ and fiddle and attitude. "Amazed" makes its appearance as track 3. It's a cheesy country love song, but for some reason, I really like it. Maybe it's because I dig the title, and the term "Amazed." I also like these guys' harmonies, so I forgive the mushy sentiment.
The bad news is, there's only one other track on the CD I like. "Don't Let's Talk About Lisa" is a testimonial about how she broke his heart, but at least he tells us in a fun, danceable way.
The rest of the CD isn't bad, and I suspect if you listen to country you'll like more than these three songs. Their sound is good, but I was remarkably unmoved by a group that showed the potential to hook me. Sorry, folks, but this one's just not that . . . er . . . amazing.
-Kate Rice
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