Luscious Jackson
Electric Honey
Grand Royal
Electric Honey finds the girls of Luscious Jackson a three piece band and all grown up. Or sort of. This CD is a logical progression of their commercial breakthrough album, Fever In Fever Out. They are still mining the R & B, soulful, hip-hop groove of that record, but there is something more to this one. It is the sound of three women getting a bit older and a bit wiser. Luscious Jackson started out with the unfortunate critical tag the "Beastie Girls." They've moved in another direction with each release without straying too far from what made them so interesting to begin with.
This is good times, funky summer jams for white folk. Each track on this disc, from the joyous groove of "Ladyfingers," the radio-friendly "Summer Daze," to the fun "Sexy Hypnotist" (with its borrowing of the Breeders' "Cannonball" bass line) is guaranteed to make this a summer of light hip-hop white girl fun. Turn it up for maximum effect.
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