Halfway Down the Sky
Columbia Records
Splender... Not exactly the name that I would have come up with for this group, but whatever. These guys are pretty good, but I would much prefer some of Blink-182's punk-rock type music.... their punk attempts really suck. However, I don't want to completely leave this group out of the running for my CD purchases. They aren't the greatest group in the world, but there is one song on this album that really blows me away. It has melody, and if you shut your eyes, you can place the song with almost any moment, whether depressing or uplifting. "I Think God Can Explain" is a REALLY good song. Some other swell little ditties on this album include a mediocre track called "Cigarette," which totally surpasses songs on here like "". Other okey-dokey tracks are "Irresponsible," "Spin," and "London." In fact, "London" is one of the better songs- relaxing and soothing. These guys have pretty good voices that can damn near put you to sleep. I do have to say that these guys should probably stick to slower, more romantic songs and stay away from the rock type music. If you are into spending $14 for one or two songs (like me!) then go for this CD. 'Cause these guys really do have talent, but only when they use it!
-Jason Yocum
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